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1)  No PP or GM. I don't think anyone likes it when someone else tries to control your character (without specific permission) so please, control your own character and I will stick to mine as well. No Mary Sues/"Yes men" either! Some of my characters are conceited bastards, your character doesn't always have to agree with them or act completely unfazed by crazy things they do. I don't mind some conflict xD. If my vamps or demons killed someone, any witnesses should probably not be cool as a cucumber afterwards. Just saying o_O. Conflict can make roleplays really stand out, make them more fun and memorable! 


2) Via E-mail. I don't like chats, sorry. I always feel rushed when I use chat sites for roleplaying and they lack formatting as well. That, and I have access to my email on my phone, which will more than likely mean quicker replies for you ;)

3) Romance? Violence? Swearing?  Bring it on! Your limits are mine. Please inform me of any limits that you may have; I don't want to accidentally make you uncomfortable! I am an adult in her twenties, I am not squeamish or averse to adult themes~


4) Please don't freak out if I don't give you a post every day, or multiple times a day. I, like many other young adults,  have a life outside of roleplay (work, house stuff, general life/adulting things, etc.), and sometimes we have days when we just don't feel like posting, but I post as soon as I can, and if I can get a post every few days or once a week then I will be happy. :3 Seriously, I'm not hard to please.


See? Not that bad, right? Just be the basics. 

"The code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules..."

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